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Drug Trends

The “Drug Trend” training course is a practical and invaluable resource for all first responders.  It provides them with the knowledge and skills to identify today’s narcotics and the precursors used to manufacture them.  Additionally, it helps understand the effects of the substances and how to effectively conduct field tests.  This training significantly enhances their capacity to combat drug related crimes and continues to maintain public safety, establishing itself as a vital component of law enforcement training and responders alike

  • Immediate Recognition: The ability to promptly identify narcotics, paraphernalia, cutting agents, and their physiological effects is crucial for law enforcement.
  • Comprehensive Content: The course offers a comprehensive understanding of most common narcotics found on the streets and in each region. This includes information about drugs themselves, as well as the contraband often associated with drug related activities.
  • Physiological and Psychological Effects: Understanding the physiological and psychological effects of narcotics is essential. This knowledge not only aids in identification but also helps first responders assess potential risks during encounters with individuals under the influence of these substances.
  • Visual Resources: The inclusion of sample pictures, videos and hands on experience component to the training helps responders become more adept at recognizing drugs and their effects.
  • Field Testing Procedures: Understanding the chemical makeup and manufacturing process of narcotics is vital to properly conduct presumptive field tests.
  • Safety and Risk Assessment: Knowing the drugs in circulation and their potential effects allows responders better assess safety risks and take appropriate precautions during encounters with individuals involved in drug related activities.